Jerwood Encounters: Invisible Cities

Basil Beattie,Tom Chamberlain, Prunella Clough, Katy Dove, Vincent Hawkins, Sarah Morris, Carol Rhodes, Thomas Scheibitzand Daniel Sturgis

This page was made some time ago and may contain information which is now out of date

A group exhibition of new work by nine artists with a previous connection to Jerwood Visual Arts: Basil Beattie,Tom Chamberlain, Prunella Clough, Katy Dove, Vincent Hawkins, Sarah Morris, Carol Rhodes, Thomas Scheibitzand Daniel Sturgis, curated by Katie Pratt and Roger Kelly.

Invisible Cities takes its tile from the book by Italo Calvino which addresses the dilemmas of visual invention and illusion. The nine artists employ various diverse strategies of stating the imaginary in terms of location, each in very different ways. This juxtaposition of works highlights cross overs in a broad range of studio practices.




Sarah Morris, Century Plazza Los Angeles, 2004. Image: courtesy of the artist